Treats, Treats, Treats!

Halloween is a fun-filled family time for costumes, parties, friendly visits to neighbors, and of course, candy. Lots and lots of candy. Though the candy can bring temporary joy, it does inevitably also bring tummy aches and energy crashes that are less than pleasant for everyone involved. How can you manage the Halloween candy stash to allow for some fun while minimizing the unhealthy side effects? Here are my top 9 Halloween tips for staying happy, healthy, and sane.  ...

Happy Halloween!

It’s hard to believe that Halloween is right around the corner...especially when it still feels a bit summery outside. Hopefully the temperature will drop some before the trick-or-treating weekend is upon us! Have some fun this year with your kiddos making these fun after-school and party recipes that are simple, quick, and delicious! Toothy Apples ...

"Push Up" Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we want to spread awareness while having fun! "Push up" your girls while making "push-it-up" cake pops with your friends. Spending time baking and focusing on women's health will cause you all to rally and respond to this sisterly need! Pretty In Pink Push-It-Up Cake PopsRecipe courtesy of Betty CrockerIngredients ...

Build Your Own Taco Bar

Crunchy or soft...beef or chicken...make your taco how you like it! Invite your friends, neighbors and family over for everyone's favorite, taco night! ...

From Yuck to Yum

As seen in Charm East Texas"I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!” “No, we are having steak and baked potatoes for dinner.” “But I want a peanut butter and jelly saaaaandwich!” ...

The Emerging Role of the Pharmacist

There is a certain chemical process that occurs somewhere deep in the brain of individuals that I meet casually at galas, museum openings, or at the Chick-fil-a where I really hang out.  The obligatory “How are you?” is uttered by myself and the other party summarily followed by the standard “So, what do you do for a living?”“I am a pharmacist.” ...

Thank You for 95 Great Years!

In 1921, brothers Austin and Tom Brookshire opened the first Brookshire Brothers in Lufkin, Texas on September 21st. Little did they know, 95 years later, their company would grow to employ over 7,000 employee-owners with 113 retail locations. Over the years, our company has seen a number changes. There have been many expansions, acquisitions, and new business ventures that we've experienced. All of these have made us stronger. On behalf of all our employee-owners, we say thank you!  ...

Fall Neighborhood Soup Supper

A fun, affordable way to bring the whole neighborhood gang together is to stir up a pot (or two). Soup makes the perfect hearty meal for a casual crowd on a crisp fall day—it requires little fuss, it can be made well in advance, and neighbors can ladle it up themselves. Start up the fire pit or indoor fireplace, pull out a football and a few Frisbees, open your door and welcome the neighbors inside.

32nd Annual Texas State Forest Festival

This East Texas premiere event is back again and Brookshire Brothers is happy to continue to sponsor such a crowd pleasing festival. With competitions from The East Texas Pom Pon/Dance Team Championship to our personal favorite, The Southern Hushpuppy Championship, there are many attractions to come and see. The festival arrives on Wednesday, September 21 and wraps up on Saturday, September 25, 2016.